Where To Buy MP3s

There aren't many places to buy MP3 music left on the internet. This page is going to cover the three that I currently know of. If you know of any other places around he web to buy MP3 music, please e-mail me:



Artist royalties: unknown

Can you download music directly from their site? No.

Do they make you use their app? Yes. You need to download the Amazon Music app to download your digital music. However, once you download the music it's yours to do with what you will. I have MP3s that I bought in the late 2010s that I still have complete and unrestricted access to.

Rating: 2.5/5


Artist royalties: Bandcamp is very transparent about how much they pay their artists. 80-85% of all purchases go to the artist.

Can you download music directly from their site? Yes! Once you purchase music you can download it from your library page. My only gripe is that there isn't a "download all" button.

Do they make you use their app? No. They have an app (Android, Apple) where you can stream or download your purchase, but you aren't required to use it.

Notes: This one gets extra notes because oh my GOD I love Bandcamp so much!! They're so good for discovering new music and they actually pay their artists what they're worth!!

Rating: 5/5


Artist royalties: unknown

Can you download the music directly from their site? No.

Do they make you use their app? Yes. The iTunes desktop app is one that most of us have used in the past. Once you buy music through iTunes, just like with Amazon, it's yours to do whatever you want with. I have iTunes songs that my one of my childhood friends left on her family computer that I yoinked.

Rating: 3/5