did the cat drag you in? sorry about him. he likes to pick things up and carry them around in his mouth. huh? oh right. his name is pawnce and here's the cat tax. anyways, my name is faint and i first started this page up in february of last year when i finally got fed up of social media and whatever's going on with web 3.
so... what is this place? this is my little house on the internet. it was coded with these hands and a lot of DDG searches and was built completely using free and/or open source products. (i was originally also going to code it on my nearly decade old laptop, but she isn't up to much more than playing youtube videos these days.)
uh, what's going to be here? stuff and things mainly. maybe my favorite ways to find music probably a lot of my thoughts and my many MANY opinions. so many opinions... i have a surprising amount to say for someone who never talks irl.
site updates
01/11/25 - updated how the header links look, added a bunch of stuff to the main page (including this box right here!!), and added another "secret" page!
- podcast shrine
- creepy podcast shrine within the shrine
- hobby page(s)
- blog maybe? who can say.
- update the not_found page