March 7, 2024

So I did, infact, make a seperate page for AtIT and I'm super pleased with it.

However... like so many other things I do, now that I'm more comfortable coding I want to push the boundaries of my knowledge. Is less than a month with a site too soon for a v2? Or, like, a v1.1? I'm mostly thinking about this because, while I love the way my site looks right now, I'm finding it hard to add new and interesting elements. See the sidebar debacle on the front page. (It's held in place by so many pixels and fixed positions it's sad!)

I want to do... better? Not for anyone in particular, but because I know there must be an easier way to accomplish the aesthetic that I'm after. The easiest way would be to download a theme, but I'm too stubborn and I also enjoy throwing code at the wall and seeing what sticks. It's fun! And it's a good creative outlet for me since I'm not writing that much anymore.

Or. At all, really. Yeah, I haven't written anything regularly since like 2020. Why? you ask. Full time job! I answer. Ever since I started working full time I just have no inspiration for writing. Who can say why? Not me. It's probably the exhaustion and the potential trauma of living through a plauge.

Even mustering up the attention to write this blog is a challenge. But that might be over a decade of using social media platforms specifically designed to draw attention to new things as fast as possible or my (alleged) ADHD. I supposed you could view this journal as a writing exercise. Something that I can throw together with as much thought and effort as I want to. Something that I don't have to try to make intentionally entertaining. It's just... my thoughts pinging around inside my head.