March 1, 2024

I'm not gunna lie, Something is fucky with the CSS of this page and I cannot figure out why it won't properly display the custom font for the text boxes. But Times New Roman has been an industry standard for years and it looks like something Light Yagami would use for an essay so... meh.

As time goes on, I keep finding out that not having gone to the dentist in the last eighteen years was a mistake! Additionally: BRUSH YOUR FUCKING TEETH!!! For a little while I just wasn't able to eat sweet things sometimes, but we've officially progressed beyond that. "But, Faint, why haven't you gone to the dentist since 2006?" Great question! It's the government's fault /sarcasm (but only just).

I got braces young. My math and the last time I went to the dentist says I was around 12 or 13. My last dentist visit was to get my braces off and I never went back. Why? Our state insurance stopped covering dental care. Just did a quick DDG and the state I grew up in just started offering low cost dental insurance through the state in 2022. I couldn't find any information about free dental care, so that may still be off the table. However, my father looked into dentures around 2016 and was told, in so many words, that teeth weren't important. Do I think someone at the state actually said this? Probably not. Either way, he still couldn't get his dentures and he still needs them.

All this is to say that, for the first time in my adult life... I'M INSURED!!! It's cheap and the deductable is... not good BUT! I'm so excited because I get to go back to the dentist! I can get my cavities filled! Well, I can get some of my cavities filled. The dental plan our work has has a limit as to what you can spend in a year so I'm gunna try to work with whoever I go to for dental care to see what I can get done for under that amount. But I'm so excited! I've always been either self pay or on the state's free plan and, while there's nothing wrong with either, it feels so freeing to know that I might be able to persue actual healthcare instead of just going when I'm so sick that I can't ignore it.

A Quick Note: For those of you who work enough hours to qualify for your work's health insurence, check to make sure it's not worth your time before you dismiss it out of hand. I'm paying less than a tenth of my paycheck and, yeah, it's not the best insurence, but it's better than nothing. And believe me, I know what nothing is like.

I'm also considering moving my "Around The Internet Today" to its own page. And also making a bearblog for this journal. Am I having a great time writing, yeah. Am I also having a shit time getting the CSS on this page to work? Also yeah. But, time will tell whether I actually want a seperate space for my thoughts or if I'm just frustrated with how this page is working out.

Around The Internet Today