February 28, 2024

So I figured I should at least write something for my journal page when I posted it and since I'm trying foster more long-form thoughts... Well, it's the perfect opportunity.

I decide to theme this page after the animanga Death Note because I thought it would be funny. And also a little bit because I want to experiment with different styles of pages on my site. This one is still approximately the same structure as my main pages with a few stylistic differences, but it was fun to play around with colors and fonts. I was even lucky enough to find a recreation of the actual Death Note font that was free for personal use! I also tried to make the container approximately the size and shape of a piece of notebook paper because, y'know, Death Note. I even toyed with the idea of making the background of the container look like a piece of notebook paper, but I cast that one aside in favor of readability. But who knows what future me will decide to code into this place.

Other than that it's been a fairly peaceful day. I was sick over the weekend and earlier this week, so I've been home since Saturday night. Plenty of time to stew over whether or not my bosses will be upset that I wasn't there Monday or Tuesday (today is my regular day off). But, in the grand scheme of things I've found that it's much smarter to not buy today at the expense of tomorrow.

A word to those of you reading this who find themselves feeling guilty when you call out and then feel so much better right after: you feel better because you're not at work. You body is reacting to getting rest, liquids, and maybe even some medicine. You'd feel awful if you were at work. My litmus test for calling out is this:

If the answer to any of the first three is yes, I stay home. If the answer to the fourth questoin is no, I stay home. It's always better to prioritize your health over your work. If you need an external influence: You wouldn't want to get any of your co-workers sick would you? Aren't you always upset when someone comes to work sick? Take care of yourselves!

Since I never know how to end these things, I've decide to just add some links to cool things I've found around the internet today!

Around The Internet Today