April 5, 2024

Hello! I finally finished updating the code for the entire site and I feel like I should write something new here again, I guess!

I haven't been super active here with new things to say because, well, I was furiously coding and trying to figure out how columns and the float property worked. I was also sick. Again. I've been sick once a month since January and, quite frankly, I'm sick of it! I am better now, thought, just suffering from allergies because...

Our cat had kittens! Her name is Ivy and she had the kittens in early March. They're going to be seven weeks old tomorrow and, not gunna lie, I'm going to miss them when they go ;--; We're keeping two of them and giving the rest away. I think my father has been overestimating how many of them the vet's office is going to find homes for. I think he's expecting to just show up with a bunch of 8 - 12 week old kittens and just drop them off at the vet's. And that's not how that works. But, since he refuses to listen to anyone else but himself, we'll let him figure that out when he figures it out.

Anyways. The two we're keeping are a lovely little gray shorthaired tabby named Juniper and my darling litle girl, Juanita Paw-nce de Leon aka Poncy. I named most of the litter after famous explorers. Poncy's twin is Vasco de Gama. Then we have Ernesta Shackleton, Sir Edmund Hilary, and Tenzing Norgay.

I really am going to miss them, but my allergies won't.

Other than that my life has been exceedingly boring for the last month. I've just been trying to stay healthy and make it into work so I can afford to pay rent. You know how it is. I did fall down the front steps this morning because our landlady's boyfriend didn't come back after the snow stopped to shovel the steps again. My wrist hurts. So, I guess I'll sign off for now.